
Don't Forget The Basics

September 29, 2024

I was listening to a podcast last week that suggested reflecting on your "primary achievement" for every day.

Hearing this reminded me how valuable this frame was.

When I reflect consistently, it keeps my goals top of mind and primes my mind to make decisions in line with them.

When you're not paying attention it's easy to forget the basics.

A perfect example in my life is with personal finance.

I "already know" everything a book or video could tell me, but the more often I'm thinking about my financial goals, the easier it is to move closer to them.

iPhone 16 Pro Max 1 Week Later


My impressions video for the iPhone will be dropping in the next day or so, but it's definitely another weird year.

Things I've found interesting

Links to valuable stuff I thought was worth sharing

How Dopamine Shapes Your Habits and Productivity - Tj Power - The podcast that sparked the idea for this letter. Definitely worth a listen.

Do NOT Buy A Home! Money Expert Reveals What To Do INSTEAD! - This was a great podcast episode with George from The Dave Ramsey Show filled with practical advice.

How this designer learned code and became a design engineer - Mariana Castilho (Dive Club S7 | E11) - An interesting conversation with a former designer at Vercel. It made me think more about the value of knowing how to design and code well.

Simon Høiberg — Building a SaaS That Works for You - I've been following Simon on Twitter and YouTube for a while and love everything he shares. He talked a lot about creating reusable "building blocks" to speed up your workflow.

Have a great week.


P.S. If you found this letter helpful, please consider sharing it with a friend :)

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