Coming up with ideas has always been something I’ve struggled with, whether it was for content or side projects.
Something I’ve learned recently is the power of writing down your bad ideas.
I’ve started writing down ideas every night for a side project I can build to solve a problem I’ve recently experienced.
I write down whatever comes to my mind even if I know it sounds ridiculous.
The act of writing down an idea makes me more creative and I’ve already turned what was a bad idea into one that’s worth exploring.
When I have a list of hundreds of ideas, there’s bound to be a few that can be morphed into good ones.
links to valuable stuff I thought was worth sharing
How I Built A $30M Business Without A VC | David Heinemeier Hansson - an interesting conversation with the CTO of 37signals (created Basecamp). I enjoyed hearing his reasoning for keeping 37signals small (~50 employees) and not taking on investment.
Don't fall behind - High income skills worth learning - I always enjoy watching Oliur’s videos and this one i no different. All the skills mentioned in this video are great ones to focus on this year.
How To Get Customers So Fast It Feels ILLEGAL - A great video from Alex Hormozi. These videos are always crazy actionable.
Have a great week.
P.S. If you found this letter helpful, please consider sharing it with a friend :)
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