Early last year I came across the book “The 12 Week Year” which talked about treating each year as 4 separate “years” to focus on a small number of short-term goals.
I’ve found that operating on quarters makes it easier to break down big goals for the year and have clear actions I can take each day.
This quarter I’ve set two goals for myself:
When you work on a ~12 week time horizon rather than 52, it forces a sense of urgency that you don’t feel with a yearly goal.
Weekly reflections become much more important and give you a clear overlook at how close you are to accomplishing your quarterly set of goals.
I’ve also found this makes me think a lot more deeply about what I want to focus on because 12 weeks isn’t that much time - I can only work on so many things at one time.
I hope this has been helpful and you give it a try.
links to valuable stuff I thought was worth sharing
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months - I listened to the audiobook last year and found it very valuable.
Ghostty - A new terminal emulator I’ve been trying. It’s super fast and looks great.
Zed - A new code editor that I came across. It’s written from scratch rather than being a fork of VSCode which I like. It’s still lacking in a lot of functionality but it looks promising.
Yaak - A local-first API client. I’ve been looking for an alternative to Postman that’s lighter and works better offline and I think this is the one.
Have a great week.
P.S. If you found this letter helpful, please consider sharing it with a friend :)
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